My name is Megan Elizabeth Morris.
Colleagues call me Mack, Max, Mo, & Elizabeth.
You can too, if you want.
Thank you for visiting my page.
I’d like to tell you about something important.

I often wish I had a better preamble.
But sometimes it’s best to get right to the point.
Disabled people are sex trafficked much more than non-disabled people.
I was sex trafficked even though I was a successful, community-connected professional.
I co-facilitated musical collaboration in social spaces and coordinated professional multimedia assets for community leaders and business professionals.
I developed and produced album artwork, websites, books, and creative learning resources.
I sang concerts onstage, applauded by crowds of people who expressed love, support, and care for me. I traveled internationally, won in competitions, and was featured in public broadcasts.
I was safe, we all thought. I did good work and felt joyful in gratitude. I had a lot of friends.
The crowds that praised and appreciated my work would not have thought that someone like me could be trafficked… but my disability disappeared me.
Professionals could not help. No relief service was accessible.
In order to recover my physical functions, I designed disability recovery aid network architecture that would allow me to communicate and build strength again… and prevent me and my colleagues from being re-trafficked.

Only severely disabled survivors of violence, already cut off from all other support, were able to understand well enough to successfully assist and collaborate. So I created special groups we could access and check in with even if we couldn’t maintain continuous contact.
The sudden and continuing rapid expansion of our contact list stunned us.
People of this description could not find help anywhere else.
Much more than my original contributions, the Intuitive network is co-founded by these groups of severely disabled families and individuals surviving preventable violence all over the world.
The Intuitive community network builds network disability aid technology that prevents disabled people falling prey to human traffickers.
We help communities ensure inclusive access points for all disabled community members and for those whose disability circumstances cause them to be excluded from community resourcing.
These network toolsets prevent human trafficking, isolation, illness, injury, suicidality, and the compounding of disability stressors. Using these toolsets, we restore physical and vocational recovery to the most severely affected members of every community.
Our tech is the best solution we have found. No one else is doing what we are doing.
But soon, everybody will be doing it.
Right now, someone you know needs what we’re building.
You can help. How?
Please follow and subscribe to our main content stream, Mack’s Memo, at
If you can support us through a paid subscription, please do — it makes a big difference and allows us to keep doing this work. Paid Substack subscriptions feed community members, stabilize infrastructure, facilitate the simplest emergency solutions, and literally save people’s lives.
Donations can also be sent to, our 508c1a non-profit.
If you’d like to know more specifically how you can help us out, please read the note included below from our group members at Intuitive Helpers.
Intuitive Helpers writes,
We are recovering our damaged hard drives containing saved data from Megan’s disability recovery advocacy, sensitive documentation from her and others’ experiences of human trafficking, and high quality video and audio of her musical performances and other stage work.
Through Intuitive Public Radio and Radio Publíca Intuitiva, we are publishing music, poetry, recovery resourcing, stage performances, and community presentations by Megan and many other severely disabled survivors of human trafficking violence.
These are stories no one has heard yet… stories that heal communities… and stories that prevent human trafficking.
Through our public media, we show the healing art that is created when we listen with kindness and care for one another.
With your assistance, we can regain access to preserve the compiled documentation of our Intuitive groups doing this important front-line work over most of the last decade. This not only supports their physical safety and vocational recovery, but also allows us to celebrate our considerable successes through sharing the art and music that has been created along the way — in the very most challenging of circumstances.
If you know someone who can help us recover the data from these hard drives directly, please reach out by email to Megan at or message her directly on Telegram at
Help us hire hard drive recovery services by donating here:
Reach out to us to coordinate related assistance:
comment: (as needed to reach us)
contact: (contact Megan’s Telegram account)
email: (Megan’s email address)
Learn more about Intuitive Public Radio
Radio Publica Intuitiva (RPI, Intuitive Public Radio, or IPR) is a deep network recovery art project designed and coordinated by Megan Elizabeth Morris (Max) in conjunction with Intuitive Invisibles’ mentorship cohorts.
Subscribe to our main content stream, Mack’s Memo, at
These network spaces provide specific forms of disability recovery assistance through fictional (factual) world-building, transformational learning practice, and living systems analysis. Participants strengthen their use of toolsets for class co-facilitation and collaborative manifestation in small private groups, primarily hosted on Telegram messenger.
Entrance to these groups requires gradual concierge orientation and can be requested by messaging Max directly ( or emailing her at
The public broadcast spaces of Radio Publica Intuitiva support participating community members in building powerful public voices and professional platforms informed by their experiences of recovery from severely compounded illness and injury conditions.
If you’d like to follow the broadcasts we have compiled together over the years and new broadcasts as they air, primary materials are posted at
You’ll find more being compiled daily by our severely disabled survivors’ groups in the many channels of Telegram messenger, our disability aid communications platform. Our primary content feeds there can be found at and (Join us in chat, too — the links are at the bottom of this text.)
Our current audio archives are now hosted on Substack — but we also have years of earlier episodes uploaded to our original audio archive at (which is now hosted on Spotify at Both these locations are being kept up-to-date currently.
Our video can be found at and also intermittently at
Our 24/7 streaming Internet radio projects can be found at
If you’d like to sponsor or co-create a broadcast with us, reach out to Max.
The people this network was built to serve are still unresourced, still being killed unnecessarily, still experiencing ongoing physical torture, still being sex trafficked, still being excluded from common social supports, and still being mischaracterized or misdirected by every professional organization we could reach to inquire.
To ensure the dignity and integrity of your own communities, you require a true and honorable response to these voices — fictional or factual — and just reading these words, you’re already hoping to see some indication of it.
Even if you don’t think it’s possible…
…you’re hoping.
You know that without a response, they may number far more than you’ve guessed, and some of them will turn out to be your loved ones.
You want to be living in a world where they would be answered.
How do we choose together to answer them?
That’s why we’re broadcasting.
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